
Cambropallas Trilobite

Original price was: £104.99.Current price is: £69.49.

Cambropallas Trilobite

Cambropallas trilobiteLarge single flat brown trilobite on matrix.

Name: Cambropallas telesto
Age: Devonian
Location: Morocco

Approx Size: 8″ – 10″


Cambropallas Trilobite

Fine detail, Excellent example
Cambropallas trilobiteLarge single flat brown trilobite on matrix.
Location: Jbel Wawrmast,Tinjdad, Morocco
Age: about 390 million years – Devonian

Cambropallas was a genus of large to very large Trilobite found throughout the world during the Mid Cambrian period.

Trilobites are extinct sea creatures that roamed oceans for over 270 million years! ‘Trilobite means ‘Three Lobes’, they wer named this due to the fact that their bodies being made up of three parts sections.

Fossil trilobites range in size from only a few millimetres to some species measuring over 30cms.

Approx Weight: 1000 – 1500 grams
Dimensions approx.: matrix 25 x 18 cm
Name: Trilobite Cambropallas telesto
Age: Devonian
Location: Morocco


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