
Leopardskin Jasper

Original price was: £1.87.Current price is: £1.25.

Leopard Skin Jasper is also sometimes known as Jaguar Stone because of its many beautiful colours and unique spotted patterns.


Leopard Skin Jasper Tumblestone

Leopard Skin Jasper is also sometimes known as Jaguar Stone because of its many beautiful colours and unique spotted patterns.

Metaphysical Properties
Leopardskin Jasper is connected with Shamanism, helping to discover personal animal totems (power animals), it also aides in out of body experiences and is a powerful protection stone.

Like all Jaspers, Leopardskin Jasper is closely associated with strength and vitality, and brings stability.

Known for its healing energies, Leopardskin Jasper is of immense benefit for those with chronic health conditions.


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